Women and girls do not have to choose to accept being objectified by institutions.
Objectification refers to the reduction of a person, often a woman, to an object or a thing that exists primarily for the use, pleasure, or control of others.
Women and girls do not have to choose to accept being defined this way. No one's belief or movement should place you in a position to be objectified AND demand that you a woman or girl- accept said objectification for the benefit of others.
Some of the greatest horrors against humanity operated under this exact same logic. Never think that the disrespect has a "stop sign" coming up. That it will stop at some point. Before things go "too far."
The only "stop sign" is the one that you put up. And even then...
Women and Girls Deserve Respect
Women's sacred spaces belong to women. Many older women in my family would never accept someone speaking about the unauthorized Lady spaces they weren't invited to.
Some of us have friends that go way back who will not let you mispronounce one vowel in their long name. Since I was a little girl I have attended school with classmates with names as long as five or six syllables and 15 letters or more. They took great pride in their name. As little tiny girls, they could tell you what their name meant in other countries.
Long, difficult to pronounce name or not, they did not let any child or adult get away with mispronouncing their name. They reasoned that while it may be "easier" for others to pronounce it a certain way, it is their cherished and beloved name and most people can learn to pronounce it correctly.
If we have girls standing up for themselves with name pronunciation, we can stand up for ourselves when it comes to speaking to us like we are objects. Women and girls do not have to accept this level of disrespect.
Like me, you probably have at least one female relative who has a painful story of enduring objectification. Things have not changed because people suddenly decided to treat women and girls properly. No, women demanded to be treated with respect.
And What About the Boys and Men?
In the face of misguided policies like these that refer to human beings as "breeders" or "menstruators"; always inquire how males will be defined.
What bodily function will they be referred to as? Or is this objectification just for women and girls. (Keeping in mind that girls as young as 8 years old menstruate).
If you feel compelled to objectify me so that you can feel better then we all have a problem. That's the same crap they told my great-grandmothers, and her mother, and her mother......